Wisdom of the Common Man

Wisdom of the Common Man

Facts-Truth-Reality-Common Sense

Thought for The Week….October 13-19, 2024

Analyzing the primary attributes of water vapor and proofs that water vapor controls atmospheric temperature.

Normal path for elevating CO2 by climate alarmists:

Typical values attributed to “greenhouse gases”: Water vapor ~50% “Greenhouse effect” Clouds ~25% “Greenhouse effect” Other ~25% “Greenhouse effect” These numbers are impossible to measure. What do they select as the dominant part of “other”…CO2.

Next step is contriving hypothetical pseudoscience, attempting to show how CO2 controls atmospheric temperature. Examples: Earth Climate Sensitivity (ECS), Earth’s Energy Budget, Earth’s Energy Imbalance (EEI), Radiative Forcing, Back Radiation, Et Cetera, Et Cetera… All of these and many more were created to support the CO2 Myth. You can find them all in the AR6_WGl glossary.

Everybody has been in the shadow of a cumulonimbus cloud and recognizes the cooling effect.

However, Wikipedia “Water Vapor”: “Over 99% of atmospheric water is in the form of vapour, rather than liquid water or ice, and approximately 99.13% of the water vapour is contained in the troposphere.” (I can’t independently verify these numbers). When you look at the heat holding capacity of the atmosphere (greenhouse effect), under clear sky conditions, look no further than water vapor!

Every parcel of gas will try to achieve thermal equilibrium among its component parts, via radiation and conductive collisions. The component containing the most heat will determine the equilibrium temperature. That component is water vapor, both day and night. However, in reality, earth’s atmosphere is an open system and never achieves equilibrium.

Scientists like Hansen et al want us to believe that CO2 controls atmospheric temperature and uses “atmospheric lifetime” as a way to elevate CO2 above water vapor. The argument is that CO2 remains in the atmosphere for hundreds to thousands of years, water vapor around 9 days. Never mind the fact that water vapor is continually released into the atmosphere 24/7.

Never mind the fact that water vapor carries latent heat of evaporation into the atmosphere and strongly absorbs the NIR and SWIR wavelengths (~55% of solar heat) of incoming solar radiation.

Does Hansen et al ever mention these crucial facts in his papers?

I think not!

Please read the Solstice Heat Paradigm article (new article). Below is a preface and should be read first.

Solstice Heat Paradigm is a primary driver of the earths’ climate. It stopped the ice sheet on North America at the Missouri river and caused the subsequent melting of ice sheets on the major continents. This took place while CO2 levels were lower than pre-industrial levels. CO2 had no effect then and has no effect now. Someone with a powerful voice has to demand the IPCC back up their CO2 myth with hard, cold facts. Our way of life is at stake, don’t we deserve this proof?


WOTCM Articles

Solstice Heat Paradigm

This phenomenon has a dramatic influence on our climate!
Published: November 3, 2022

What is Heat? (Part 1)

Understanding heat is key to understanding climate!
Published: May 16, 2022

What is Heat (Part 2)

Understanding heat is key to understanding climate!
Published: February 10, 2023

Climate Science: Friend or Foe?

Why the IPCC is wrong about climate!
Published: March 31, 2022

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